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Technology is advancing faster than most of us can believe. That applies especially to medical devices and products. We can replace body parts and organs, extending life – and quality of life – in ways we could only dream of a few years ago.

This does not mean that every new medical device and product is a safe choice. Many do not live up to expectations. Some are deadly failures.

When you have the facts, you can choose wisely and decide for yourself whether the potential benefits are worth the risk.

Dangerous Medical Devices and Products

The devices and products designed to save lives also have the potential to harm our health. Defective equipment and unforeseen side-effects are major concerns for any patient about to undergo surgery.

Have you been hurt by one of these medical devices or products? Click the name to learn more about the health implications and legal action taken against those at fault.


If you have questions or concerns about any of these medical devices and products, Drug 411 is here to help.

Just fill out a few details below to see what kind of compensation you are entitled to.



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